What is foraging?
In Endless Online there are multiple resources that can be gathered at various resource nodes across the world. These resources can then be used in crafting, quest and more!
How do I forage resources?
The majority of resources can be gathereed by simply walking up to the resource node when a resource has spawned and clicking on it. It should be noted that some resources require a tool to gather, such as an axe for wood. These resources that require a tool can be gathered by equipping the tool and repeatedly using it on a resource node by holding CTRL or the Space Bar until gathered.
How often do resources spawn?
Every resource node has its own unique respawn time, but as a general rule, most respawn within four to ten minutes. You'll find more detailed information on resource node below.
Foragable Resources
A list of resources with relevant information.

Image | Title |
Bamboo | |
Black Berry | |
Blue Berry | |
Carrot | |
Chewyherb | |
Cotton | |
Crop Salad | |
Dryweed | |
Eqq | |
Green Berry | |
Iceflower | |
Iron Ore | |
Jute | |
Orange Berry | |
Pink Berry | |
Puffyweed | |
Purple Berry | |
Red Berry | |
Sand | |
Skyflower | |
Starflower | |
Stinky Carrot | |
Web | |
White Berry | |
Wild Root | |
Wood Log | |
Yellow Berry |